Breaking Down a Clinical Trial Budget with Confidence
Sarah Best, Clinical Trials Research Manager for the Cognitive Clinical Research Group (CCRG) at Parkwood Institute in London, Ontario, will talk about how to assess a clinical trial budget. She will help you identify important cost elements to consider for clinical trial budgeting and give you techniques and tools to assess a complete trial budget […]
Webinar: De-mystifying Patient Engagement In Research
The Chronic Pain Network is hosting an hour-long webinar for patients and clinicians entitled, "De-mystifying Patient Engagement in Research". Patient Perspective Partners Delane Linkiewich and Jennifer Daly host this webinar, with guests Dr. Melanie Noel and Janice Sumpton. This webinar is part of their Patient EngagEment in Research (PEER) webinar series. A recording of the […]
BC COVID-19 Research and Collaboration Symposium
Simon Fraser University, the University of British Columbia School of Population and Public Heath, the University of Northern British Columbia, the Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research, the BC Academic Health Science Network and BC SUPPORT Unit have joined together to host a two-day research symposium. Researchers and stakeholders from health sciences, education, social sciences […]
CIHR “Ask me anything” – Fall 2020 Project Grant Competition
CIHR is hosting “Ask Me Anything” sessions designed to answer the questions researchers have about the Fall 2020 Project Grant competition. There will be 3 sessions, 2 in English and 1 in French. You can join the meeting via Microsoft Teams or submit your question via Sli.do. For the Microsoft Teams meeting link and Sli.do […]
Webinar: Online Poster Presentations- What; How; Why?
The BC SUPPORT Unit is hosting a webinar to help poster presenters and conference attendees navigate virtual poster presentations at conferences. This webinar will focus on: • A scan of how the poster session is being navigated at other research meetings • Highlighting some key considerations and opportunities of virtual posters (including the #betterposter movement) […]
Webinar: De-mystifying Privacy: Research Uses of Administrative Data
The Maternal Infant Child Youth Research Network (MICYRN) is hosting a webinar on research uses of administrative data. Speakers will include Holly Longstaff (Provincial Health Services Authority BC), Donna Curtis Maillet (New Brunswick Institute for Research Data and Training), and Charles Burchill (University of Manitoba) This webinar explores modern approaches to research privacy for administrative […]
EMBED Trial Results: Pragmatic Trial of User-Centered Clinical Decision Support to Implement Emergency Department-Initiated Buprenorphine for Opioid Use Disorder
Grand Rounds January 28: EMBED Trial Results: Pragmatic Trial of User-Centered Clinical Decision Support to Implement Emergency Department-Initiated Buprenorphine for Opioid Use Disorder January 28 @ 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm Eastern Speakers: Edward R Melnick, MD, MHS Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine, Yale School of Medicine Associate Professor of Biostatistics (Health Informatics), Yale School of Public […]
Diabetes Action Canada Webinar – Social Media for Scientists
Having a social media presence has never been more important for those working in health care and science. Whether it’s helping to educate and inform the public, developing a sense of community, or networking with peers from around the globe, social channels can open doors and help you build your personal brand. Diabetes Action Canada’s […]
CNTN Research Symposium
The Canadian Nephrology Trials Network (CNTN) is happy to announce their next Research Symposium at the Canadian Society of Nephrology AGM on May 9 from 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm EST. Co-moderated by Dr. Karthik Tennankore and Hans Vorster, attendees will learn about what CNTN has been up to, where they are going, and […]
Kidney Foundation of Canada: “Movement is Medicine” webinar
Join the Kidney Foundation of Canada for "Movement is Medicine" includes CNTN Patient Partner and Scientific Operations Committee member Nancy Verdin.