Dr. David Collister, CNTN Scientific Operations and Executive committee member, is co-principal investigator on a study, “CANNAbis for the treatment of symptoms in advanced CKD and dialysis: a patient survey (CANNA-CKD)”
This study is an online survey of adults with kidney disease (including chronic kidney disease, dialysis or transplant). The survey consists of 15 questions and should take no longer than 10 minutes to complete. It collects information about your use of recreation and medicinal cannabis use.
The goal of this survey is to determine the recreational and medicinal cannabis experiences of patients with advanced chronic kidney disease or those on dialysis. We would also like to evaluate your willingness to participate in future studies of cannabis for symptoms related to kidney disease.
All responses are anonymous and it does not collect any personal health information. The results of this survey (and a physician survey) will be used to determine which symptoms to pursue funding for clinical trials of cannabis in patients with kidney disease. The results of the physician survey were recently published and can be found here.
The survey is available at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/TCCWJFX. For questions related to the survey, please contact Dr. Collister at david.collister@phri.ca.