If you know of a resource or opportunity that could be shared, please email it to amurdoch@cansolveckd.ca

Learning about Research or Patient Engagement

The Family Engagement in Research (FER) Training Program is a virtual 10-week from McMaster University. It was co-developed and is co-instructed by people with lived/living experience and researchers. The course is meant give learner knowledge, skills, and confidence to meaningfully engage in research. This is a micro-credentialed course that is free for those with lived experience but has a cost for researchers. 


CANadian Consortium of Clinical Trial TRAINing platform or CANTRAIN is Clinical Trials Training Platform with four streams for graduate and post-doctoral trainees, clinical research professionals, trialists and community partners. In addition, to training programs, they also fund awards and internships.


The Alberta SUPPORT Unit is a Strategy for Patient Oriented Research (SPOR) provincial unit which has a library of documents, webinars and training videos that can be accessed by anyone. The topics in the library include pragmatic clinical trials, patient oriented research, patient engagement, data and data management and knowledge translation. https://absporu.ca/training/training-program/


The BC SUPPORT Unit is a Strategy for Patient Oriented Research (SPOR) provincial unit which has a library of documents, webinars and training videos that can be accessed by anyone, primarily related to patient-oriented research. The resource library can be filtered by resource type, level of experience or audience. https://bcsupportunit.ca/resources


Clinical Trials Alberta has launched a Clinical Research Roadmap. This roadmap guides investigators step by step through the trial lifecycle from concept to close-out. The website hosts a glossary of clinical research terminology and answer to frequently asked questions about themes in clinical research. Within the Tools tab, there are templates for everything from curriculum vitea to delegation logs to concomitant medication logs.


Clinical Trials Ontario has many resources to help researchers in Ontario get their trial started, but also hosts general research resources for researcher and patient partners across Canada on how to conduct patient-oriented research. Their decision aids for patient partner engagement can help patient and investigators decide if they are great to engage in research. Their patient experience toolkit offers guidance, considerations, examples and references to help research teams prepare to work with patient partners.  www.ctontario.ca


CTO Clinical Trial Restart Resource Toolkit

CTO Resource Guide for Decentralized Clinical Trial Approaches

International Society of Nephrology- Advancing Clinical Trials (ISN-ACT) Toolkit was developed as part of the ISN-ACT initiative to stimulate an increase in quality research around the world. From the website: This toolkit is aimed at nephrologists and researchers in nephrology from all parts of the globe – regardless of their level of clinical trial experience and their local resources. It aims to provide a guidance for anyone wishing to start a clinical trial or to participate as a trial site. https://www.theisn.org/in-action/research/clinical-trials-isn-act/isn-act-toolkit/


Rethinking Clinical Trials: A Living Textbook on Pragmatic Clinical Trials is a website, created by the National Institutes of Health Collaboratory that offers information regarding the design, conduct and dissemination of results for pragmatic clinical trials. Upcoming learning opportunities, such as grand rounds, are posted on the website and there is a large archive of self-study resources. https://rethinkingclinicaltrials.org/


The Network of Networks (N2) is a Canadian group that hosts the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) training courses for research team members. These courses are free to access from most institutions. They host training events throughout the year, including an annual 2 day conference and they have a library of resources for research teams such as SOPs, toolkits and important general research guidelines. From their website: The N2 is a not-for-profit incorporated organization and an alliance of Canadian research networks and organizations working to enhance national clinical research capability and capacity. www.n2canada.ca


Canadian Association of Pediatric Nephrologist trainee awards: https://www.capneph.ca/trainee-awards.html

CIHR Research Training Awards: https://cihr-irsc.gc.ca/e/50513.html

Kidney Foundation: https://kidney.ca/Research/Funding-Opportunities

Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research: https://www.msfhr.org/our-work/activities/trainee-awards%20

Physicians Services Incorporated (Ontario): https://www.psifoundation.org/funding-programs/

Information Videos

CNTN Patients as Investigator Webinar Series:

  1. What is research? – Offered an overview of what the term research means, the different types of studies and why patients should come up with research questions CNTN – Patients as Investigators #1
  2. How to develop a research question – Offered a collection of tips to help patient partners better define their idea CNTN – Patients as Investigators #2
  3. Presenting an idea – Offered tips on how to write an elevator pitch and what presenting the research idea at a CNTN meeting would require Patients as Investigators Webinar #3

Best practices for sharing study results

BC SUPPORT Units Study Results Best Practices working group, created this 3 minute video of their recommendations for investigators  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WCkZoV2GHaQ

Engaging in Clinical Trials: Dr. Dylan MacKay, Clinical Trialist at CHI and previous PREPPP Award winner, discusses his experiences in patient and public engagement in the planning stages of clinical trials.


Slides are available from:


IMAGINE Network: Co-Principal Investigator and Patient Engagement working group Co-Lead Dr. Deborah Marshall from the University of Calgary along with IMAGINE’s Patient Engagement working group Co-Lead and Patient Research Partner Sandra Zelinsky, discuss Patient-Oriented Research and Patient Engagement in research.

Watch Patient-Oriented Research and Patient Engagement webinar

Innovative Clinical Trials: Pragmatic cluster randomized trials held at dialysis facilities present complex and interesting ethical issues.  This training module, which was modified from the publication Ethical Issues In Pragmatic Cluster-Randomized Trials In Dialysis Facilities, (American Journal of Kidney Diseases, June 19, 2019), was designed provide you, the viewer, with a clear understanding of ethical issues that need to be addressed in such pragmatic cluster randomized trials. The research team conducted empirical studies and ethical analyses to provide expert guidance for the ethical design and conduct of pragmatic CRTs in dialysis facilities.

This work is part of a larger research project, titled “Integrated Platform for Innovative Pragmatic Cluster-Randomized Registry Trials in Hemodialysis,” which focuses on improving the experiences, outcomes, and healthcare of patients receiving hemodialysis. Conducted by an interdisciplinary research team including patient partners, this project has brought together expertise and health data assets onto an integrated platform to conduct innovative pragmatic registry trials in hemodialysis, and to translate these comparative-effectiveness trials into better practice. 

Watch Innovative Clinical Trials 

Maritime SPOR SUPPORT Unit (MSSU):

Building Research Capacity – Research Designs and Bias: Part 1

Building Research Capacity – Research Designs and Bias: Part 2

MSSU Keeping up with Knowledge Translation Webinar Series

Session 1: The Science and Practice of KT​: Part 1

Session 1: The Science and Practice of KT​: Part 2

Session 2: The Science and Practice of Implementation

Session 3: The Science and Practice of Communication Part 1

Session 3: The Science and Practice of Communication Part 2

Training programs

Clinical Investigator Program training requirements:


KRESCENT Program: https://kidney.ca/Krescent/Home


Canadian Association of Pediatric Nephrologists: https://www.capneph.ca

Canadian Society of Nephrology: https://www.csnscn.ca/

International Society of Nephrology: www.theisn.org

Renal fellows network: www.renalfellow.org