Thank you to all of those who attended our first virtual symposium. It was a great success and we are excited to host another in early 2021. If you are interested in presenting, please email Alicia at
For those who were unable to attend, you can view the recording of the session here. Listed below are the start times of the individual presentations and their titles:
Dr. Sam Silver presents his trial, Promoting Kidney Recovery after Acute Kidney Injury Receiving Dialysis, at 11:20.
Dr. Bhanu Prasad presents his trial, Renal denervation in patients with loin pain hematuria syndrome – a feasibility study, at 43:05.
Dr. Ron Wald gives an update on the PHOSPHATE trial, Pragmatic randomized trials of High Or Standard PHosphAte Targets in End-stage kidney disease, at 1:20:50.
Dr. Michael Walsh discuss the recruitment challenges with his multi-centre, multi-country trial – ACHIEVE, Aldosterone Blockade for Health Improvement Evaluation in End Stage Renal Disease, at 1:58:40.