The 2024 CNTN Research Symposium: A Review







On the morning of May 2nd, 2024, over 40 people attended the Annual Canadian Nephrology Trials Network (CNTN) Research Symposium in Montreal, Quebec. The meeting kicked off with Dr. Karthik Tennankore providing an update on the initiatives and plans of the Accelerating Clinical Trials (ACT) consortium, which included an overview of the community hospital portfolio project that provides funding for full-time research coordinators to assist with enrolment in ACT network trials and introduced CNTN’s part-time research assistant, Omo Enilama. 

Four new trials were presented, including:

  • Drs. Kristin Clemens and Louise Moist – OK-TRANSPLANT: Obesity management for kidney TRANSPLANTation: a vanguard study for an innovative randomized controlled trial, embedded in routine care
  • Dr. Adeera Levin – EASI-KIDNEY: Aldosterone Synthase Inhibition and Empagliflozin in CKD
  • Dr. Matt James​ – Prevention of Nephrotoxin-induced AKI with Cilastatin Trial: PONTIAC trial
  • Dr. Amber MolnarDIAL-Bicarb: Effects of a Lower vs. Higher Concentration of Dialysate Bicarbonate​

OK-TRANSPLANT, PONTIAC and DIAL-Bicarb were recipients of funding from the ACT Consortium awards last year.

Following the Annual CNTN Research Symposium, CNTN members — Dr. Bhanu Prasad, Dr. Ayodele Odutayo, and Nancy Verdin — presented their research at the Canadian Society of Nephrology’s Annual General Meeting. 

Dr. Bhanu Prasad, Communications and Engagement Committee member, provided three poster presentations on his research: 

Dr. Ayodele Odutayo, Scientific Operations Committee Member, presented “The Association of Quantitative and Semi-Quantitative Proteinuria with Heart Failure and Other Adverse Outcomes in Atrial Fibrillation”. 

Although Nancy Verdin was unable to attend, her poster, “Redeveloping KidneyLink, an Online Tool for Connecting Canadians to Kidney Research,” was accepted to the meeting. She is a Scientific Operations Committee Patient Partner Member.  

Le matin du 2 mai 2024, plus de 40 personnes ont assisté au symposium de recherche du Réseau canadien d’essais cliniques en néphrologie (RCEN) qui a eu lieu à Montréal au Québec. Le Dr Karthik Tennankore a démarré le symposium en faisant le point sur les initiatives et les projets du consortium Accelerating Clinical Trials (Accélérer les essais cliniques – AEC). Il a notamment donné un aperçu du projet de portefeuille des hôpitaux communautaires qui finance des coordinateurs de recherche à temps plein pour aider à l’inscription aux essais du réseau AEC et a présenté l’assistante de recherche à temps partiel du RCEN, Omo Enilama.

Quatre nouveaux essais ont été présentés, dont :

  • Les Dres Kristin Clemens et Louise Moist – OK-TRANSPLANT : Prise en charge de l’obésité dans le cadre d’une TRANSPLANTATION rénale : une étude d’avant-garde pour un essai contrôlé randomisé innovant, intégré dans les soins de routine
  • Dre Adeera Levin : Inhibition de l’aldostérone synthase et empagliflozine dans la maladie rénale chronique
  • Dr Matthew James – Prévention de l’IRA induite par la néphrotoxine avec l’essai sur la cilastatine : Essai PONTIAC
  • Dr Amber MolnarDIAL-Bicarb : Effets d’une concentration plus faible ou plus élevée de bicarbonate de dialyse

OK-TRANSPLANT, PONTIAC et DIAL-Bicarb ont bénéficié l’année dernière d’un financement du consortium AEC.

À la suite du symposium annuel de recherche du RCEN, les membres du RCEN, le Dr Bhanu Prasad, le Dr Ayodele Odutayo et Nancy Verdin, ont présenté leurs recherches lors de l’assemblée générale annuelle de la Société canadienne de néphrologie.

Le Dr Bhanu Prasad, membre du comité de communication et d’engagement, a présenté trois affiches sur ses recherches :

Ayodele Odutayo, membre du comité des opérations scientifiques, a présenté « The Association of Quantitative and Semi-Quantitative Proteinuria with Heart Failure and Other Adverse Outcomes in Atrial Fibrillation » (L’association de la protéinurie quantitative et semi-quantitative avec l’insuffisance cardiaque et d’autres résultats indésirables dans la fibrillation auriculaire).

Bien que Nancy Verdin n’ait pas pu être présente, son affiche, « Redeveloping KidneyLink, an Online Tool for Connecting Canadians to Kidney Research » (Réaménagement de KidneyLink, un outil en ligne pour connecter les Canadiens à la recherche sur le rein), a été acceptée à la réunion. Elle est membre du comité des opérations scientifiques en tant que patiente partenaire.

Celebrating Success: Two CNTN endorsed trials selected for funding by CIHR’s ACT Consortium

Congratulations to the two nephrology trials selected for funding by the Accelerating Clinical Trials (ACT) Consortium!


The objective of this request for applications was to fund partnerships with Canadian-controlled biotechnology companies and ACT/AEC Network clinical trialists. The consortium received 30 applications and selected 6 projects for funding up to $400,000 each.

Each proposal underwent a targeted peer review process where each application was reviewed by a total of 10 independent reviewers – 5 reviewers with experience in clinical trials and 5 reviewers with experience in biotechnology.

We are proud to announce that 2 of the 6 projects selected were endorsed by CNTN.


Dr. Michael Walsh, 
Dr. Peter Margetts, 
Dr. Pavel Roshanov – EQUAL Dialysis: Evaluation of Qidni Urea And metabolite cLearance in maintenance Dialysis

Biotech: Qidni


Dr. Matthew James, Dr. Neesh Pannu, Dr. Daniel Muruve – PONTIAC: Prevention of Nephrotoxin-induced AKI with Cilastatin Trial

Biotech: Arch Biopartners Inc. 



You can see the full list of awarded trials here

The ACT Consortium was established to advance and facilitate the implementation of high-quality, high-impact randomized controlled trials (RCTs) to improve global health. For more information on the consortium, visit

Celebrating Success: Two CNTN endorsed trials selected for funding by CIHR’s ACT Consortium

Congratulations to Drs. Sam Silver, Amber Molnar and Ann Young and teams for being selected for funding by the Accelerating Clinical Trials (ACT) Consortium! Stream 1 for this request for applications was dedicated to novel trial designs. With a total funding pool of $1.5 million, 2 of the 8 trials selected were CNTN endorsed trials:


Dr. Samuel Silver (Kingston, ON; Queens University) and Dr. Amber Molnar (Hamilton, ON; McMaster University): Dial-Bicarb: The Dial-Bicarb Trial investigates dialysate bicarbonate levels

Dr. Ann Young (Toronto, ON; Unity Health Toronto and St. Michael’s Hospital): KidneyCare Outreach: Vanguard phase of a population-based randomized clinical trial to strengthen kidney care delivery for patients at high risk of kidney failure


You can see the full list of awarded trials here

The ACT Consortium was established to advance and facilitate the implementation of high-quality, high-impact randomized controlled trials (RCTs) to improve global health. For more information on the consortium, visit

Highlights from the 5th Annual CNTN Research Symposium

The 5th annual Canadian Nephrology Trials Network (CNTN) Research Symposium took place on May 10, 2023, bringing together patients, providers, and researchers in a celebratory gathering. The event, held at the Canadian Society of Nephrology AGM, served as a platform to honour the achievements of CNTN and explore its future trajectory, while also presenting opportunities for engagement.

This half-day symposium showcased a diverse range of educational presentations by esteemed kidney researchers. These researchers, through their diligent efforts, are making significant contributions to our understanding and treatment of kidney disease.  


Presentations included:

Dr. Bhanu Prasad: Decoding loin pain hematuria syndrome (View video)
Dr. Prasad presented his ongoing research on loin pain hematuria syndrome. His team’s recent work includes phenotype analysis and pedigree chartings in LPHS as well as genomics. His website,, has more information on his research program.

Dr. Amélie Bernier-Jean: Evidence for Potassium restriction in hemodialysis (EvoKe-HD) pilot (View video)
“EvoKe-HD is a pilot randomized controlled trial to assess the feasibility and potential for efficacy of a novel dietary approach to hyperkalemia. Contrary to the traditional recommendations limiting the intake of high-potassium whole foods, such as fruits and vegetables, we propose to switch the focus to foods containing potassium that is readily absorbed by the body (high bioavailability), such as potassium from additives, processed meats, milk, fruit juices and sugary drinks.”

Dr. Adeera Levin: New investigator-initiated trial 

Dr. Levin presented an upcoming investigator-initiated trial of an investigational drug that will be starting early next year.  


Dr. Morteza Ahmadi: Qidni labs innovative dialysis machine
Dr. Ahmadi presented Qidni Lab’s nearly waterless and portable dialysis machine currently conducting first-in-human dialysis sessions. Able to run on rechargeable batteries with remote, cloud-based monitoring, this machine could provide dialysis for those living in rural or remote areas or who have no or limited access to dialysis. For more information on their trial and device, visit 

Celebrating Success: Two CNTN endorsed trials selected for funding by CIHR’s ACT Consortium

Congratulations to Dr. Michael Walsh and Dr. Amit Garg and teams for being selected for funding by the Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR)’s Accelerating Clinical Trials (ACT) Consortium! Of the 43 trials that applied for funding, 2 of the 11 trials selected were CNTN endorsed trials: 


Dr. Amit Garg (London, ON; Western University and the London Health Sciences Centre): Effect of a Multi-Component Quality Improvement Intervention on Patient Access to Kidney Transplantation and Living Kidney Donation (EnAKT-LKD)

Dr. Michael Walsh (Hamilton, ON; McMaster University and the Population Health Research Institute): Aldosterone blockade for Health Improvement Evaluation in End-stage renal disease (ACHIEVE) 


The ACT Consortium was established to advance and facilitate the implementation of high-quality, high-impact randomized controlled trials (RCTs) to improve global health. For more information on the consortium, visit

This most recent call for proposals was designed to support ongoing and active, Canadian-led, high-impact RCTs that required additional funding for successful completion. All recipients of this ACT grant will publicly report their results by January 15, 2025. 


We look forward to learning their results!